Friday, January 2, 2015



Snowflakes pressed in indigo,
for a coming new year.

I know you will read this.
I know you will not understand.

But, the sky is ready.

Snowflakes pressed in violet,
warming up
for a coming new year.

Haven't you gotten
your pound of flesh,
and then some?


                          violet                                                              blush-burst

indigo                                                                                                                      magenta

The sun
has arrived

but you don't see
the new year,
the melt,
the new day.

You're too blindly busy
thinking of
the next
crimson cut.

the sky is ready,

trade your warfare
for wings,
come fly with me.

© 2015 Jennifer Wagner

What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.” - Vern McLellan

For the challenge at Imaginary Garden with Real Toads


  1. You have achieved a dichotomy between the description and the speech in italics, sort of a combination of what the poet sees and thinks. A very interesting piece of writing.

  2. The spaces and the combination of the quotes, but especially the last three lines make this an extremely powerful poem... may it be so and we'll have a great new year.

  3. I agree with Bjorn - wonderful last words.

  4. Layered, nuanced and powerful. An inspired title and closing stanza.

  5. Your metaphors and tropes bring up military type images--what with the spit shine, and even the velvet feels like a back drop for metals--the colors also feel like a bomb burst--hope peace can get through. Thanks. k. (This is Manicddaily-- I think blogger wants me to use an old blogger ID.) k.

  6. Such sadness... to think that people can miss miracles because they are too busy, blind or silly to see they're shooting angels.

  7. This poem reads wonderfully and made me stretch to understand. A powerful piece of writing. Love the closing line especially.

  8. New Year + forgiveness = new possibilities for a relationship! May it be so!

  9. Yes, I agree this could be a military reference or perhaps even a domestic war. Powerful piece that has me thinking of how much beauty is missed when the mind is consumed with battle. Thanks so much for writing for the challenge.

  10. you show the blood pulsing in veins, Jennifer.

    A good new year to you... ~

  11. Photo works perfectly for your poem. Powerful images, visual and written.

  12. surely i luv your rainbow of words

    Happy New Year ☆´,•*´¨★ Ձ๏15

    much love...

  13. I love this poem, especially the themes of hostility and the offer of freedom. Nice work!


Thank you for your thoughts!