She attracts butterflies,
prefers full sun,
can tolerate just a bit of shade.
Her purity, innocence, simplicity
offset her deep, dark
She lives once, but on
and on, hardy angel,
of your dreams.
Keep her as the apple
of your eye, your sugar toast,
with coffee and tea.
For at her center is your sun,
golden and buttery—and from it
spokes of snowy white
which light your day
and your night
with cheerful bloom
which blossoms when cupped
just enough
for her to land
budding in
your strong and rain-soft hand.
© 2025 Jennifer Wagner
The word garden word list (dream, golden, wild). This is my second offering. We’ll see if Ms. Fireblossom allows extra credit.
Shasta daisies are my favorite flower. My husband called me “sugar toast” this morning, ha. So, this poem.