Showing posts with label Grandma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grandma. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

Rose Water


Trembling at the beach

on a day meant for indoors,


tossing her ashes

like a paper airplane


in the wind,


we knew it was

always going to be this way—


she was always

going to come back to us,


one way or another—


her ghost on the cereal box, first thing,

her costumes hanging in the attic,


somehow noisily animated

after dark.


Each of our eyes

a Lucky Strike,


red-rimmed and wondering

how to pilot


the rest of it

without her.




© 2024 Jennifer Wagner



For the List at Shay’s Word Garden

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sigh Lens


Chattahoochee River

Photo © 2024 Jennifer Wagner


Wild horses and burros

roam back home

grazing on fireland.


But, iced tea in her hand,

Grandma would say,

Come, sit a spell.


And that’s just what I

intend to do,


sweet tea,


with you.



© 2024 Jennifer Wagner



For Mary’s prompt at What’s Going On?  Silence.


I used “sit,” but my grandma said, “set,” in her sweet Missourian way (which she also pronounced, “Mi-zur-uh”).