Showing posts with label Arizona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arizona. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2024



Horseshoe Bend

Photo © 2024 Jennifer Wagner


Waters travel

weeping through veins

cradled and sipped

like a holy kiss


rained from mountains to plains;

nothing beats this

plateau lift and tip—

the taste brief, glorious.



© 2024 Jennifer Wagner


The Sunday Whirl


Monday, April 15, 2024

Pellegrino and Lime



by magenta petunias

and my friday night lights


it’s patio-perfect in spring


my footfall

and yours



past the snoring

winter wolf moon

turned pink


—and the little clink

our glasses make


to toast

the sun-drenched, fresh



we’ve palmed

of our lives



© 2024 Jennifer Wagner


For dVerse Quadrille #199:  T.G.I.F.


NPM Day 15