Red-winged Blackbird, Wikimedia Commons |
The sky played a trick,
impeding my flight—
dealing my doom.
The worm did not cry,
escaping to the depths
of a joyous homecoming.
Faces in the sky
of my sunset
held their breaths for me,
but brains
do not re-enter skulls;
and trash bags become funerary.
At least
I do not die alone
and without mourners.
Copyright © 2013 Jennifer Wagner
For Peggy’s prompt at Poetry Jam
where the prompt is to write from the perspective of an animal. This incident happened a couple of weeks
ago. A red-winged blackbird flew into
our picture window so forcefully it could not recover. The worm in its beak fell out and crawled
away. The bird, though so fatally
wounded, struggled heartily. My boys were mostly fascinated by the scene and
the science of it all. But as the only female
in a household of boys and men, it tore my heart a bit.