Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 6, 2024



Today I write poems.

The hard ones.

The worst and best to write.


Regret at how I hurt you

as you were so little

while my fears were so big

and so looming.


I am sorry.

I am fool enough to think

these words may be enough.


Looking out the window

at the fog that got us both,

I know this is how you, feel, too—

lost, unseeing.


I don’t know when you will understand

and shake off your winter coat

and run, orange fur escaping into the sun

and meadows I kept you from.

Go now, I pray.


Your bruisings I will hold in my heart, I hope,

if allowed,

so you may be free


from this tumbleweed field

where I birthed you,

where my eyelashes are becoming weighted down

by dust.


Go, go, and remember the best of us.



© 2024 Jennifer Wagner

Monday, June 17, 2024

Surface Roots, Falling Leaves

Photo © 2024 Jennifer Wagner



The arms and hands

of my grandfathers, grandmothers—


the gnarled roots—

my history


a map on the earth

I step over


so as not to disturb them, leave them

as they are, unmarred by my boots.


I’ve tried to clear them

so widely,


intending to be unencumbered

by what held them, too.


In my youth

I believed it could be so.


But now

I have walked a mile or two,


or how ever many thousands,

and my feet ache


with the heaviness

of trying.


The tripping, the falling,

the climbing back up.


But these I’ve been given

have led me to see,


and to sit basking

in the whispering of paper-thin leaves


teaching me how

to speak gently to myself


of forgiveness,

even more now my own necessity.


Because I am what I am

made of,


and my own stories

will fall, I hope,


like a gentle covering

for those who walk after me.



© 2024 Jennifer Wagner


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