Showing posts with label Hard Work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hard Work. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Out West


Lilies sprout,

butterflies rise up from their petals.

A new blade appears,

shining in the dirt,

flint sharp.


The beautiful things

aren’t dead,

one says.

True, echoes another.


Did I hear that right?


But all I’m met with

are bright, cherubic smiles

thrown over their shoulders

one after the other.


I take their meaning.


Jump fences, barbed wire,

float on dreams

left swirling up from the dust

on the trail.


Switchblade the lasso from your wings,

dig those boot heels in, girl,





© 2024 Jennifer Wagner



For Dora’s prompt at dVerse Poetics


Monday, April 15, 2024

Pellegrino and Lime



by magenta petunias

and my friday night lights


it’s patio-perfect in spring


my footfall

and yours



past the snoring

winter wolf moon

turned pink


—and the little clink

our glasses make


to toast

the sun-drenched, fresh



we’ve palmed

of our lives



© 2024 Jennifer Wagner


For dVerse Quadrille #199:  T.G.I.F.


NPM Day 15