Thursday, June 6, 2024


Photo © 2024 Jennifer Wagner


From the watchtower

I saw them, wildflowers

drifting downstream.


I followed on foot, from loamy bank

to bank, and found you

in that neglected canoe


—you’d chased them, too,

with my heart,

a padlock you’d rescued


for pennies on the dollar,

and handed it back to me,

warm, and melting like wax.


I’d never been able

to find the key,

but you unlocked it


with a poem in Latin,

so haunted, so beautiful,

and unchained all my wildflower tears.



© 2024 Jennifer Wagner



Shay's Word Garden Word List 

dVerse OLN


  1. Jennifer, may I offer condolences on the loss of such an important person in your life. Your gratitude and affection for this person shines through your words and feelings.

    1. Hi JadeLi, I appreciate your thoughts. This poem isn't about the loss of a loved one, but it is interesting to me that is what you saw in the poem!

  2. Lovely and tenderly sustained metaphor here Jennifer and a great ending too.. Loved: "unchained all my wildflower tears."

  3. You express romance so well, Jennifer, whether you know it or not! Latin does have the power to do that, right? It's just poetry in itself 🤩

  4. Simply beautiful, Jennifer, and though I know it cannot have been, it reads as effortless. This is one to savor.

  5. I love this, especially the wildflower tears at the end. Wonderful.

  6. A beautiful poem of love and loss, Jennifer, especially the wildflower tears.

  7. Oh this is just lovely, Jennifer. It makes my heart go pitter-patter throughout. Lovely moments captured in poetry!

  8. What a lovely read, beautifully flows and wonderful imagery. Makes me smile.😊

  9. LOvely poem Jennifer, I like that padlock metaphor...JIM

  10. Well, I really like the half stream of conscious but very controlled style there, with easily accessed stanzas, lovely to read, mysterious, intriguing, really enjoyable.

  11. Your poem is as lovely as the image you paint of wildflowers drifting downstream ... I enjoyed reading it ... cheers.

  12. Replies
    1. Re-reading this now, I’m with Shay. Beautifully effortless (however much work that was!) I love the story and images too.

  13. Soothingly romantic, engaging our senses and emotions. A beautiful read, Jen.

  14. Oh, I love this, Jennifer.🤩


Thank you for your thoughts!