Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year

Photo © Jennifer Wagner

Your collar, green,
his, blue.

You, so polite,
of course, he bites
(as new things do).

But how much he looks like you—
the curl of his tongue in Snoopy yawn,
stretched out
on the rug

where you lay, it feels,
only moments ago.

© 2017 Jennifer Wagner


A Quadrille for dVerse.  Happy 2017!

*New puppy Cooper is bringing delight to our hearts after the loss of our beloved Labrador retriever, Druke, in November.


  1. Oh Jennifer what an adorable little puppy... but it will take for him to fill the room to replace Druke... A happy new year to you.

  2. Aww, ain't he a cutie pie! :)

  3. He is so cute. Happy to read that the family is delighted with the new puppy. Happy new year Jennifer!

  4. who doesn't love a puppy... our Golden is twelve and i've already pondered what will be next

  5. Yes. I've been through this too many times myself, but each new friend heals the hart sooner than we'd think.

  6. Love the snoopy yawn! Adorable puppy!

  7. Oh, adorable puppy and a fitting poem. Happy new year!

  8. Oh, my heart. This is perfectly done. Must curl into my own furry love, now. Thank you for the precious reminder.

  9. Cooper is the cutest!!! Good luck with the circle of life with's difficult but so worth it.

  10. ...ah the joys of a new, unassuming, puppy who does not know what came before and just lies there with unconditional love. Food for the soul! :)

  11. Such a lovely poem, a tribute to both the old and new pupsters. I love the honest sadness of it and the honest love of it.

  12. Thank you for this moment of cuteness

  13. Cute new puppy. I assume the "you" in the poem refers to an older dog who has died.

  14. Wonderful write - makes me smile and think of all the memories...

  15. A lovely little homage to Druke, and a wonderful welcome to little Cooper. So-o-o-o cute!

  16. A new puppy...he's adorable (and naughty, I'm sure)!

  17. Sorry to hear about Druke. :( But what a cutie, Cooper.
    A wonderful new year's tribute poem.

  18. You will still, always, love and miss Druke – but I think this little darling will help ease your hearts.

  19. I know your loss is hard. I hope Cooper brings light and laughter and love back into your home after your loss!

  20. Sorry for your loss. Your puppy is gorgeous!Happy New Year!

  21. ahhh.

    After Schooner the black lab finally wagged his last, also in November, the boys and their mother haven't found another.

    go Coop! May you dig as deep a love-hole as Druke did!


Thank you for your thoughts!