Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mischief Cafe 

I took part in the Mischief CafĂ©: Seattle, WA with author and founder of T.S. Poetry Press, L.L. Barkat, hosted by Jody Collins.  Check out Tweetspeak for more about this great idea that Laura has taken on the road to inspire poetry and connection.


  1. Got to love the name Mischief Cafe!

  2. Good for you. That sounded like so much fun! What a great way to celebrate one of the best things in this world; poetry!!

  3. Enjoyed checking this out, Jennifer. I probably should participate in similar initiatives in Vancouver. I know there are a number of them - though, at this point, I feel more connected to the Ontario Poetry scene. I lived most of my life there and the Ontario Poetry Society is a wonderful and unique, poet friendly resource. Projects that help stoke the creative embers are always so gratifying.

  4. ahhhhhhhhh, you shoulda posted your feather boa poem.... Well, it's just the start of who knows what, eh?

  5. This is awesome! Must have been quite an experience for a gifted poet such as yourself :)


Thank you for your thoughts!