Saturday, November 1, 2014


I suppose we never really
see a thing
until it’s done.

The scrutiny
of yesterday
through the 20/20
of backwashed tears.

But could we?
Could we
see it coming

before a bell rings out
our sons & daughters
died today?

Before we are
wearing red to remember.

Before they are
beautiful & lost
at fourteen forever.

© 2014 Jennifer Wagner

Of course many know about the tragedy at Marysville-Pilchuck High School on October 24.  We live about 30 minutes away and some of my family live in Marysville, so this hits really close to home.  My fourteen-year-old son’s football team wear MP stickers with 10.24.14 on their helmets and students have been wearing red and white (MP High School colors) in support for this grieving community.  So sad, so tragic, so young.  Prayers for them for healing and light


  1. I still haven't fully processed that tragedy. For the kid to invite the victims to the lunch, the anger he felt to harm his own family and friends, then to pull the trigger on himself...I just can't comprehend it. The community support has been amazing, however. We're still praying for the people who were involved.

    Nicely written poem. It's simple but deep and heartfelt.

  2. BTW, Jennifer, this was my cotribution if you're interested.

    Also, have you heard if any families at church were affected?

  3. a beautiful an touching is hard to be left with such questions that at every illogical tragedy go unanswered.

  4. how terribly sad ~ i can't imagine the pain of the family ~

  5. What a heartache. These senseless tragedies strike at whole communities, and, I think, for children so close to such monstrous acts - innocence lost, too soon. A poignant write, Jennifer.

  6. it's really sad indeed. guns are like drugs. they both kill. when will they be stopped? sighs.

  7. almost like a prayer... hug those you love a little tighter now

  8. Yes, so sad.
    You always, quietly, manage to say such profound things, e.g.,

    I suppose we never really
    see a thing
    until it’s done.

  9. it is unusual as well...the circumstances of this one are so different...
    scary too...anyone can walk in and...

    scary too that kids think this is a way out...or a way to deal with their pain and frustration...we had a very close call at our school about 2 weeks ago....we caught it before it happened though

  10. Jennifer, this brought tears again. So very, very sad but the fruit of it is closeness and community...

  11. well, bleep. bleep. bleep. bleep. I was a sophomore in HS when the girl in SD opened fire. that event led to the BoomTown Rats hit song, I don't like Mondays - and whatever the day of the week, that damn song is still playing ~

  12. It is extremely sad to know that kids and teens today are resorting to such acts to vent out their frustration. I'm not aware of the complete details regarding this incident nor can I ever comprehend the grief of those who lost their loved ones. My only hope is that they find strength to cope up during such a difficult time in their life.

    "Before we are
    wearing red to remember.

    Before they are
    beautiful & lost
    at fourteen forever" - Very poignant lines.

  13. I have seen this on the news Jennifer. So sad. What a poignant poem...


Thank you for your thoughts!