Thursday, July 24, 2014

Poème, 16

The Ad Says:  Spirited. Adventurous. Intuitive.

Don’t change, you say,
inspired by the song of love triumphant
and the scent I wore when you first loved me.

You say you like it,
whatever it is,
when I curse myself
for being too much of this
or not enough of that.

And I guess that does about sum it up.

Even when I don’t,
you love me
as I am.

© 2014 Jennifer Wagner

In a few days my husband and I will celebrate our 16th Anniversary.  Poème is the fragrance I wore back when we first met and is also the title of a work by Amédée-Ernest Chausson which was originally subtitled The Song of Love Triumphant .


  1. :) Many congratulations. The essence of true love is to accept the person as he or she is.

  2. Thank you for such a wonderful tribute - and for most of all, being my friend despite my faults and failures. Yours always, Thor.

    1. I love it! Wish I was home to give you a giant hug and sweep you off of your feet. I think I need to go shopping for some lancome products....Miss you - Thor

  3. Love the way your feelings are captured in the poem and i can taste that fragrance. Congratulations on your 16th, on the 28th it will be my 30th Anniversary, love is so precious.

  4. So much nicer a name thatn chanel number 5 :-)
    Happy !6th. And nice that you never had to change.

  5. It's a sweet love. We are coming up on our 42nd in a little over a month. It is truly a blessing to find someone who loves you the changes and for the unchanging in you.

  6. Happy Anniversary. I hope you showed him this poem. It captures how secure you are in his love. That's beautiful.

  7. This is just as love should be but you have said it very powerfully in a few words. A very good poem, Jennifer!

  8. Happy anniversary, Jennifer. If you have someone who loves you just as you are even when you don't, it is a beautiful thing. And, ha, fragrances do play their part in memories, don't they? I am not familiar with your fragrance of choice, but I understand the concept!

  9. this is is nice to have someone who loves you faults and all...sometimes the faults can be the best part. congratulations!

  10. Being loved as you are: the best kind of love. Congratulations on the upcoming anniversary! And what a wonderful title - talk about nuanced. Smiles.

  11. pretty..congratulations..:)
    I didn't even there was some fragrance existed that was same as a poems name. Indeed beautiful! If the fragrance is so good to keep together for such long time then I would love get myself a bottle. You never know it might the magical love portion. ;)

  12. Firstly, congratulations to you and your husband.

    Secondly, what a beautiful poem. I read somewhere long time back that smell has (probably) the strongest capacity to bring back memories related to it. Not sure if it is correct or not but I have experienced it a few times. :)

    Beautifully penned.

  13. Happy Anniversary, Jennifer. Pete and I celebrate 16 years in September.

    I love your poem. Perfume is so evocative.

  14. Happy anniversary! If your love is just like you described it in your poem, I hope it lasts forever! I loved this poem, Jennifer. So clear, so sincere, so beautiful... It took my breath away. If you haven't, show him!

  15. Happy anniversary...very beautiful poem:)

  16. Beautiful Love Poem!
    Happy Anniversary dear! Stay blessed.. :)

  17. Happy anniversary! You guys are great!

    Oh -- and nice poem. :)

  18. Happy 16th Jennifer !...a sweet poem for celebration...

  19. You say you like it,
    whatever it is


    Happy, happy anniversary, Jennifer! (Our 16th is next week.)

  20. happy anniversary....16 years....very nice...
    that kinda staying power is not as evident these days sadly....we are just a bit ahead of you guys...smiles....and how nice it is to know you are loved regardless....


Thank you for your thoughts!