Sunday, March 23, 2014

Varied Thrush

At the beginning,
and afters,

(the dawn,
the dusk,
the eclipsing of the rain shower),

you call:

1. wake up

2. calmly be

3. rejoice

I think you’re right.

© 2014 Jennifer Wagner

We hear the Varied Thrush from our house every day.  I haven’t gotten a photo (they are quick to hide), but they are pretty orange and bluish-gray birds with a call much like a referee’s whistle.

For the open link at Poets United Poetry Pantry


  1. sounds like a good to do list to me...smiles...
    think we can learn a lot from the birds....

    cant wait to be able to sleep with the window open
    and listen to their song.

  2. BEAUTIFUL to be awakened by a thrush!!!

  3. nice... just sitting here at my breakfast table and outside the birds sing their songs...they have a wise way to look at things...

  4. Bird song . . . what a great Spring Welcome (just three days in). Rejoice – after such a winter! A lovely, light-hearted piece, Jennifer.

  5. sounds like a meditation...lovely.

  6. Sometimes you can literally hear the happiness in the morning bird's songs :)

  7. Lovely write Jennifer... :) Birds are always a delight to observe.

  8. Beautiful. The thrush has the right idea!

  9. Wow, I would love to hear the bird calls ~ Beautiful Jennifer ~

  10. This was so gorgeous, Jennifer! It was light and sweet and deep all at the same time. The call you describe reminds me of the Red-winged Blackbird's piercing call. For some reason, though it's not usual, they always come to our feeders in the spring. It's been so darned cold and snowy, it will be awhile, but I can't wait until they summon me again.

  11. Utterly lovely. The appreciation of natural beauty is key to happiness, I think.

  12. We can learn a lot from listening to nature. Well done.

  13. __Something grand about awakening to the sounds of a day's awakening, so well seen here! _m

  14. I love watching and listening to birds.
    And I love your message here, to wake up, calmly be, and rejoice!


Thank you for your thoughts!