Tuesday, May 21, 2013


My hand in the river
of ice cold water
charges me even as the sun
weaves its warm and dreamy spell.

Cool pebbles bounce in the stream
and I am taken with them,
down, down, down,
and back up again.

Two smiles play on my lips—
contentment and mischief;
and I am sure that, today,
I don’t need more than this.

© 2012 Jennifer Wagner

One year ago today I began this blog and to commemorate I am reposting my very first post.  Thank you to all of you who have visited, read my work, and commented so thoughtfully over this past year.  It has been my pleasure to have been able to cross paths with you and I am looking forward to many more crossings! 

Also, my heart goes out to the people of Oklahoma suffering in the aftermath of yesterday’s devastating tornado.  May recovery be quick.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.  ~ Jen

Linking to dVerse, a most excellent place for poets to connect.  


  1. congratulations on being a one-yr. old blogger! I'm glad that our cyber-paths crossed as well. Here's to the year ahead!

  2. Congratulations on your one year blogging. I wish you many many more. It's a great community of writers out there and I am happy our paths crossed. :)

  3. Congratulations Jennifer. I have very much enjoyed reading your work and always look forward to a new post. Love this poem.

  4. two smiles...contentment and mischief...ha...congrats on the year...it is good to mark the passing...and my heart is heavy with the tornado victims and their families....been a fun journey to share with you so far...and look forward to all the more...

  5. congratulations with one-year blogging Jennifer! i'm glad to have discovered your poetry in the web space as well. (sorry i haven't visited most blogs for a while due to the very slow net in the area and have just returned to reading and commenting).
    as always, a joy to read and the concluding stanza is so uplifting :)
    love this~

  6. Congratulations on hitting the one year milestone, Jennifer. You've created and show cased some wonderful poetry through your blog.

  7. Congrats Jennifer!! Your poetry is wonderful!

  8. Jennifer, your first poem ..... as all that have followed ..... is wonderful. Congratulations on one year of blogging! Carry on.....

  9. The bliss of childhood ~ Lovely share dear and congrats on your writing milestone ~ Cheers for more ~

  10. Jennifer--good on you! So very glad to 'hear' your voice and make your acquaintance.

  11. so beautiful... congratulations on a year of blogging! I'm so glad you are sharing your heart here in the blogosphere!

  12. Love, love, love this! Congrats on a successful year!

  13. Well, that made me smile, too. Congrats!

  14. sounds like i wouldn't need more than this as well...love me some carefree time in the stream...and congrats on a year of blogging...and yes..our hearts go out to them who have such a tough time now

  15. I love the second stanza:
    **Cool pebbles bounce in the stream
    and I am taken with them,
    down, down, down,
    and back up again.**

    It's completely concrete and descriptive, yet it goes so much deeper than just the image. That's really excellent. Happy one year anniversary to your blog!

  16. oh that is wonderful! reminds me of my childhood too spending lots of time outside playing in creeks, swimming in lakes. happy memories! happy blog anniversary too..

  17. I love this Jennifer especially the way you ended it. I could not help but to smile with you.

  18. So lovely....contentment is what that is missing in hearts and if we are able to find it,,,,,,,,,,,,,life is beautiful:)

  19. I really love this; very beautifully written and felt.

  20. ...beautiful Jennifer... and congratz on your 1st blog anniversary!!! more wonderful poetry pls... smiles...

  21. Fabulous poem, a really exciting read.

  22. I'm so glad you decided to start this blog. You're way ahead of where I was...I can barely stand to read most of what I posted one year in!

  23. Heartfelt here, Too! Congrats on your year! Yeah!

  24. Happy one year! I'm only about a month older than you! :)

  25. "Two smiles play on my lips— / contentment and mischief;" I like this part...it made me smile.

    Congratulations on year one...I look forward to those yet to come.


Thank you for your thoughts!