Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Carbon Dioxide (of Poetry)

when all the shapes of dreams
flew by outside your window

and you couldn’t catch one
to call your own,

when every
gnarly, blighted

branch of life’s undoing
rotted right up through your soles,

those pieces of poems called out,
laying dormant in blades of nevermind grass,

for you to crawl
across the grit of unholy floors,

to find grace through
time-smudged glass

and see them
beneath the soil, coiled

and waiting for you
to breathe them into birth


Copyright © 2013 Jennifer Wagner

A sort of tribute to poetry itself, as it is National Poetry Month, and how poets are given poetry and with it the ability to turn pain into art.



  1. smiles....see them beneath the soil to breathe them to birth...nice....anything can be a poem you know...we just have to find it...pain and all the powerful emotions def are conducive to the verse...smiles.

  2. Yes, it is a tribute to poetry..and poetry is a gift as you describe here. :)

  3. Gorgeous; love the vivid imagery. Yes, even our suffering can be turn into a worthy cause...dare I say beauty?

  4. Nice way to dive down and coming up with something to keep. http://looseleafnotes.com

  5. breathing them into birth...love the warmth in this...great images..

  6. I agree... that last line is perfection! :)

    Bad Penny

  7. those pieces of poems called out,/laying dormant in blades of nevermind grass, ... absolutely magical line in wonderful poem

  8. poetry to the rescue when things go pearshaped. Love it.

  9. Deep! Whew! The metaphors are brilliantly arrayed. I'll look for more of your work on Tuesday's.

  10. "when every gnarly, blighted branch of life’s undoing
    rotted right up through your soles"
    "nevermind grass . . . time-smudged glass"
    Whew! is right!!!

  11. so liked breathing them into life... fun read

  12. Nicely written. I think by the end of the month many of us will be breathless breathing poetry into birth. Smiles!

  13. stunning! such intense description. really nicely done.

  14. Yes, we do birthing them, again and again ~ Love the snappy write Jennifer ~ Happy writing to all of us ~

  15. How therapeutic poetry can be : )

  16. "laying dormant in blades of nevermind grass,"

    I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy.

    A wonderful marriage of seven words stands out in an exceptional poem.


    Mark Butkus

  17. Finding a creative release in poetry. Awesome. I really like this one.

  18. This is wonderful. It's amazing how cathartic poetry can be no matter how long ago the events.

  19. A beautiful write, one of those outstanding poems I wish I could remember each and every word when I leave the page.

  20. first time here and loved your place :)

  21. beautiful lines, and sentiment. as a kind of science-y nerd, i loved this comparison!

  22. I just have to say...you are the queen of amazing metaphors. You truly have a gift my friend.

  23. yes, you have turned pain into art. Quite wondrously, in fact. I won't bother to hight light the WHOLE poem ;) It's when I read exquisite poetry like this I just want to drop my pen and give up.... sigh.

  24. " and waiting for you
    to breathe them into birth"

    I love how you can birth such wonderful work from memories, words or pieces of life that you come across. Keep it up, you're amazingly talented!

  25. Looking forward to your next wonderful poem :)

  26. Wow Jennifer, what an amazing set of words--grit of unholy floors; find grace in time-smudged glass--a wonderful poem. Read it through a few times just to savor it :-)

  27. Couldn't have been a better tribute..absolutely magical...making the words breathe is all what is poetry about..

  28. I love how descriptive this is especially,
    branch of life’s undoing
    rotted right up through your soles,

    great lines


Thank you for your thoughts!