Tuesday, April 2, 2013

When You're Young You Don't Care About Appearances

dandelions are weeds they say
but to me they
are summer
and a fluffy snowflake
mixed-breed mutt who made a beeline for me
when i lay out on the kentucky bluegrass
of home
needing love

Copyright © 2013 Jennifer Wagner

I'm pledging to be a little less grown up today--and to link up with those amazing poets at the dVerse Poets Pub for OpenLinkNight #90!


  1. they're summer
    and a fluffy snowflake....love this...love dandelions...love to breathe the seeds away and how they spread in such abundance..ha...there's so much beauty in weeds....well captured...the lying in the grass of home, needing love makes it so personal as well...

  2. smiles...i have a dandelion poem somewhere...they are my fav flower...ha...and the mutt that gave love when you needed it...cool bit of love and story in this short one...

  3. There is little more beautiful than a field of yellow dandelions in the distance, I think. And a dog, mixed breed or not, is synonymous with love!

    (I enjoyed your baseball comments in my blog. I AM going to try to pay more attention to the sport this year. LOL. Just for old time's sake.)

  4. ... and time spent with grand who blows the lovely seeds to the wind; nice capture of an endearing moment

  5. Now I feel nice and warm...!

  6. Wow, Jennifer, love this. I always looked forward to seeing dandelions then I can be sure summer has arrived.

  7. It would be lovely if we could stay that open-minded for ever.

  8. Love this summer love ~ I am looking out for those dandelions ~

  9. dandelions a sign of summer and warmth and when they get white and puffy make a wish and let it drift in the air.

  10. I love them and I love this! :)

  11. Weeds are just flowers that choose where they grow :)

    I love dandelions, more for their tenacity than anything, but also for the wishes.

    You captured these feelings perfectly.

  12. thats a whole months dose of tender love care...

  13. So much in so little space. Love this!

  14. I too have a thing for dandelions...I have yet to see one, but hopefully soon. lovely piece.

  15. oh, this one made me smile.... i needed these images today. :) thanks so much!

  16. My son loves dandelions!!! I will show him your poem.....I love the images.

  17. me too... they are pure sunshine!

  18. beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.. yes like the Dandelion ur poem but to readers they are summer and a fluffy snowflake what a lovely description in so few lines..like Wordsworth's Daffodils u have glorified Dandelion & made a natural thing look supernatural .Gorgeous.GOD<3U

  19. They do make a person think of summer. Well done.

  20. I honestly think dandelions are the most poetic of flowers :)

  21. This is a wonderful memory glimpse Jennifer. It made me remember a dandelion that grew on the side of our house when i was a kid :)

  22. Love this on so many levels. I love when poetry brings us back to memories of a childhood. My daughters friend (when little) said she had a prettier yard than ours because hers had yellow flowers all over it :)


Thank you for your thoughts!