Tuesday, March 26, 2013

To Thine Own

Public domain image

Like a rebel’s note
come Sunday
I chanted my mal arranged vow,
as expected of a good girl like me.

But I had to sing true
in my Salishan earthed heart, vesicles bursting,
knowing it would thrive again
if for now, manacled, 3 quarters dead,
to some other maid’s dream.

Copyright © 2013 Jennifer Wagner

Hopping on board the dVerse OpenLinkNight train!


  1. freedom! Nothing captures that better than a horse running, unfenced! Sing true. Break free of those manacles... !

  2. nice...interesting...the difference between the vow as a good girl, and what really lies in our hearts....and in the end if we can not be true to ourselves who can we be true to?

  3. Really a wonderful write--I love your work Jennifer

  4. Suh release in this!

  5. I so enjoyed reading this poem. Thank you!

  6. Love the images you evoked in this poem, Jennifer. You manage to work so much into these two strong stanzas.

  7. Sometimes one is so completely mesmerized, and so completely unqualified to say anything but...wow! this is one of those moments:)

  8. To be true to ourselves, something we all long for. Beautiful poem!

  9. i think it's so important that we are who we are...everything else will wear us down in the long haul.. love the pic...just shouts freedom

  10. having to sing true it's a compulsion not a choice... powerful image here, really liked the lines

    vesicles bursting,
    knowing it would thrive again
    if for now, manacled, 3 quarters dead,
    to some other maid’s dream.

  11. Be yourself, because you can't be anyone else. But bear in mind, we can only truly be ourselves in relationships where we are accepting and accepted, warts and all.

  12. the secret truth of the heart. i love this

  13. i needed to read this today, to hear these words about being true to one's heart. thank you.

  14. ah... change for the good a hard thing

  15. I feel deep freedom in both your photo and poem...beautiful.

  16. To thine own self be true is perhaps one of the most powerful statements in our language. I felt like this was the resistance I sometimes feel in "reciting" words of belief at Church that I can't quite ascribe to.

  17. Such an interesting poem - one feels that there is something very different in speaking and singing. Thanks. k.

  18. This feels heavy with expectation and duty. I know these things. Good for you, for living your truth.

  19. I felt a sense of cathartic-ism reading this...

  20. Your poem makes a powerful statement~Love the title, photo and the words. Great job.

  21. Love the feeling of freedom and rebellion


Thank you for your thoughts!