Thursday, February 4, 2016

Wing and Wind

Mama chestnut-backed chickadee
flew in our 70's window
and landed on our
scarlet, gold and green rug.

After a few moments
she sputter-flew up to the windowsill,
as I held my breath, hoping
she could see her escape.

At last, I urged, Go, little girl---

and she lit out,
quick as wing and wind could carry,
while I
peered at the question of sky,

as I do now,
heart throbbing,
wings trembling,
for wherever the wind might take me.

© 2016 Jennifer Wagner


  1. This is just lovely, Jennifer. The parallel between you and the bird, your urging her onward.

    I LOVE this line:
    "I peered at the question of sky"

  2. The 'question of sky' is a brilliant touch and I too have experienced a trapped bird trying to find its way out, so that mix of euphoria and fear is perfect for your metaphor.

  3. The poem flutters with all that nervous bird energy and the relief when they finally fly off! The detail of the carpet and your question of sky show how deep you go with this short poem or high!

  4. I love how you see yourself in the little bird and also pondered where your wings and wind will take you ~ There's always excitement with changes and with a positive attitude, we can soar like the bird too ~ Good to see you at D'verse Jennifer ~

  5. Jennifer, this is a celebration of made my heart light to read it!

  6. This literally made my heart flutter as if it had wings!!

  7. The parallels between you and the bird is wonderful.. and I so recognize the feeling of seeing a trapped bird trying to escape... truly wonderful

  8. "peered at the question of sky." Now there's a phrase. And those chickadees never cease to entertain, eh?

  9. What a beautiful blog! I love your layout, background, header, byline. Just gorgeous.

    And your poetry is every bit as captivating.

    I will definitely be following you.

    These are my favorites:
    "Mama chestnut-backed chickadee"
    "she sputter-flew"
    "At last, I urged, Go, little girl"
    the last stanza

    Thank you --- for being fabulous. ;)

  10. __Nifty Jen, that wish for the bird's >regained freedom< _!
    __Odd how things coincidently occur... this a very recent comment I left at another fine poetic blog, Verdit on my blog list. (shedding time as shedding feathers... the molt) _m

    time molt
    replace these tired months
    free flight

  11. Such a delight. Loved "sputter-flew." That's the kind of thing that makes poetry what it is...special. Can't comment using my Wordpress Blog.

  12. it's these very moments of observing life outside ones own that leaves us with that universal query of...where will our wings eventually take us ?

    gracias, nice write

  13. This is one of the reasons I love poetry so much--Jennifer--this piece just makes me feel so alive--alive in the bird and alive in myself--beautiful!!

  14. Love "question of sky". I had a summer job, once, in a greenhouse. A robin flew in and couldn't find its way out, so I had to corner it so that I could let it out. I've always hoped that I didn't frighten the poor thing too much

  15. This is wonderful - am going to have to return to read it again!

  16. What a lovely, evocative little interlude - beautifully rendered ... sigh.

  17. Canary yeLlow
    humans faLL
    iN cOld
    mines.. minds..
    Canary winGs
    SinG aWay
    lies.. fLy
    cAges mAde..:)

  18. oh, the similarities. Beautiful poem.


Thank you for your thoughts!