Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I was
one thing
to you only.
One thing.

How could I bear
the weight of
all you could
never see of me?

© 2014 Jennifer Wagner


  1. I so get this piece, Jennifer. In my case, I think the title would have to be "Mother". I don't think you could find two more different woman - especially since, I gather we shared DNA. But one does work through these things (or dies trying). At the end of her life, we were even able to make the occasional joke about it. But it is hard, joined for life to someone who doesn't get you at all. It does come down to one thing. I was "daughter". She was "mother" and there was love there - though, not the kind of love that I share with my children . . . not even close.

  2. I think every mother and daughter get this piece even if it wasn't written with that in mind--I feel this

  3. no one wants to be a one note song...esp when there is so much more to appreciate about us...perhaps in the end she is better off....

  4. Judgment is a horrible thing and leaves it's mark. Knowing that they were wrong helps - along with a warm cup of tea and a shoulder to lean on :-)

  5. Makes me think of possessive love and how it judges all that we do. Live and let live is what is needed in this world.

  6. i can feel this. very powerful, Jennifer.

  7. shallow sight
    you should seek beyond your eye
    unseen is more

    Just this instant's, inspired senryu echo. _m

  8. Man, there is a lot of depth to this despite eight short lines. It's terrible to have to bear the weight that someone else imposes on you because they can't see who you really are. Well done.

  9. This piece is as powerful as it is succinct. I guess, nobody can really know us completely, including our own selves. I've been feeling quite a stranger in my own skin lately. So, on another level, this poem also constitutes the dialogue I sometimes have with my own self.

    Loved this.

  10. pun intended...I can feel the weight bearing down...really nicely done.

  11. Short but poignant. I can relate too!

  12. This is so powerful, Jennifer. Such few words that coud lead to hours of discussion. Thought-provoking and moving. Great piece.

  13. sinuous. thought-provoking. powerful ~


Thank you for your thoughts!