Monday, July 29, 2013

Meant to Be

© 2013 Jennifer Wagner

It only takes a moment
to see the light

as it’s crossing your path,
like quail to the apricot tree.

It only takes a moment—
and fifteen years later you know

it still is.

© 2013 Jennifer Wagner

Tomorrow my husband and I will be celebrating our 15th Anniversary.  I have been absent from the blogging world for a bit…vacationing where there is not much internet connection and will be absent a bit more for celebrating our Anniversary.  I hope summer is treating you all well!


  1. It still is for me too - I remember the moment when you crossed my path and I knew I was done for...

  2. I love this! Happy anniversary, wishing you happiness.

  3. Wishing in advance...happy anniversary

  4. smiles...i am glad that it is enduring, that light...congratulations on 15 years...and i wish you the best in the years to come as well...

  5. Happiest of Anniversaries! Enjoy every second! And thank you for your kind thoughts on the recent passing of Riley. Much appreciated.

  6. woohooo - congrats on 15 years - sounds like it def. was meant to be that way...smiles..

  7. Well, that just made me smile, just lovely. Happy Anniversary to you!

  8. Ahhh... sweet. I'm about to beat you by one year. My wife and I will have been married for 16 years in October this year! :-) Enjoy your anniversary. That was a beautiful poem. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  9. This lovely and charming!

    Congrats it is 13 years for me =)

  10. Happy anniversary! Another lovely poem Jennifer.

  11. One amazing poem. Even if you had not provided the background, i could have almost guessed. God bless.

  12. Life is made for such moments isn't it? And it's amazing how such moments can change the course of our lives :)


Thank you for your thoughts!