Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2017


The sky is that certain shade
of Saturday blue

with a ribbon of sea green
and an easiness
like hope restored.

A budding longing
for that far-off scent
of hyacinth, daffodil,

burns like a mini-sun, a burgeoning sequence star,
behind the manteau of gray-black-white,
frozen-earth, crunch-bite—

a little poem
warming in the pocket of sky
that certain shade of Saturday blue.

© 2017 Jennifer Wagner

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year

Photo © Jennifer Wagner

Your collar, green,
his, blue.

You, so polite,
of course, he bites
(as new things do).

But how much he looks like you—
the curl of his tongue in Snoopy yawn,
stretched out
on the rug

where you lay, it feels,
only moments ago.

© 2017 Jennifer Wagner


A Quadrille for dVerse.  Happy 2017!

*New puppy Cooper is bringing delight to our hearts after the loss of our beloved Labrador retriever, Druke, in November.