Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Winter Heart Psychology


It rained that Sunday

like riot in the streets

after midnight.


It was hellish,

but still I wrote you love letters,



sewing up problems

I didn’t yet know I had

into poems.


They were numbered

and in-



Remember how

you tore them with your teeth,

like cotton candy,



the sugar of me

funneling the storm drain?


Sundays are better now,

but December rain

is a trance


between fall

and spring—

the stuff of smoke and legend


like books burning

with enormous heat,

as a poet girl dishes—


not instantly,

but fat and sizzling—



frozen into blue

Rorschach inkblots

on winter’s lonely, cutting, bony page.


© 2024 Jennifer Wagner


Shay's Word Garden Word List: The Prodigy

My first attempt at using all the given words, with a couple variants.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Pellegrino and Lime



by magenta petunias

and my friday night lights


it’s patio-perfect in spring


my footfall

and yours



past the snoring

winter wolf moon

turned pink


—and the little clink

our glasses make


to toast

the sun-drenched, fresh



we’ve palmed

of our lives



© 2024 Jennifer Wagner


For dVerse Quadrille #199:  T.G.I.F.


NPM Day 15


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Turning White, 1888


They say one becomes euphoric

just before death.


It was January, but

the flowerboxes were filling

too quickly with snow.


And Mama, at home in her armchair,

can only grab her chest,

wring her hands,


fearing delivery

of her cherished child

in reverse,


with not a lick euphoric enough

to console the freezing of her heart.



© 2024 Jennifer Wagner



For the amazing Shay’s Word Garden Word List:  Spill Simmer Falter Wither


I recently read, and took inspiration from, Ted Kooser’s book, The Blizzard Voices, which is a book of short poems based on the experiences of people living in the Great Plains during what’s known as the Children’s Blizzard of 1888.  Sadly, many children were lost trying to get home from school during the surprise storm.  My mom is from Nebraska and says they were taught about it as part of state history.  After reading about it, I dreamt of a school teacher who saved her pupils by sticking them together with Grey Poupon and marshmallows.  I can’t explain it; dreams are weird, but that is another poem. 


NPM Day 11

Monday, April 1, 2024



Every season sings a song.


The bells and sorrows

of winter

clang on and on.


But if Frost was right,

they, too, only last so long.


Stepping on

the turf of spring,


new birds fill their lungs,

have their say,

and hope renews that


nothing blue can stay.



© 2024 Jennifer Wagner



For Writer’s Digest April PAD Challenge Day 1:  Write an Optimistic Poem


Happy National Poetry Month!


Frost’s poem


Monday, March 20, 2017


late winter
in front of the fireplace,
sipping tea
in my bare feet

wood floor,

the scent of a new rug,

hovering,  fad  i   n    g


© 2017 Jennifer Wagner