Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 20

Everything I saw that day
reminded me of another.

Two daisies in a glass bowl.
A discarded coffee cup (Starbucks).
Red spray paint, lipstick, a little bit of blood.

Never mind the window
speckled with mint green rain.

I wanted to lick it
but that would have been inappropriate.
Undignified. Quite.

But, since I've already
lost my mind a time or two. . .
more than that even. . .

What of it?
A mind is an easy thing to lose.
Don't even get me started on hearts.
That's another poem.

This one is about
my tongue licking mint green rain
and never you mind
I saw pumpkins and gourds on a March day,
orange and round, warty and yellow.

There's nothing to it.
I see what I want to see these days.

And afterwards I started jumping
because I determined
that's what you do.

And then you eat yellow daisies
or daffodils, if that's what you can find,
and you can, because it's March
and the Ides have passed.

You made it.
No one sticking it to you
this time, Caesar.

And death,
she's your friend,
but not today.

No, not today.

© 2016 Jennifer Wagner

OK, I went a bit wacky maybe, but I've been reading Ray Bradbury's Zen in the Art of Writing. So yeah, Happy Spring! :-)

Daffodils are poisonous, though daisies are edible, so please, don't actually eat!


  1. Also, sorry I have been so slow to get around lately. I hope to be able to be more present in the coming days.

  2. Counting days.
    __Your words below, Jen; some other day, not today; live each day.

    and death
    she's your friend
    but not today

  3. I admire the creative spin Jennifer:

    This one is about
    my tongue licking mint green rain
    And then you eat yellow daisies
    or daffodils, if that's what you can find,

    I say enjoy the new spring season ~ Happy Easter !!!!

  4. I really love the blissful happy attitude of this poem! There's so much I like about, keep it up!

  5. Very colorful and clever ... the Ides of March, historically marking a tempestuous period culminating in a turning point. At such times, I think, things can get a bit wacky. Ha! A lot of delicious layers to explore in this piece, Jennifer.

  6. This was fun to read...and informative! Who knew daffodils were poisonous?

  7. Ha! This sounded a little as if you had eaten something interesting even before the flowers! (Maybe in the mushroom group!) Much enjoyed. Thanks Jennifer. k.

  8. I want to lick mint green rain and dance in the red moon--Loved how this made e feel today!


Thank you for your thoughts!