Monday, June 19, 2023


I dreamt we were dancing

in the backyard

the way we used to.


Soft, cool grass

beneath our feet,

lights and stars twinkling

against the dark.


You’d lift me up

because you could

and we’d fall down laughing

as some 80’s song

played back

all our truths.


How did we fall

into this?

Onto opposite sides

of the seismic crack

in the earth of our few years?


I suppose we were

always broken from the start.

Already finished,

the way stars collide

and quit something

small and beautiful at birth.


We could never

be to each other

quite what we’d wanted—

differences too marked

to reconcile.


But I will go on


until the dancing

draws us home.



© 2023 Jennifer Wagner


dVerse Poetics Musical Muses (I am too late to link)

Poetic Bloomings: Shall We Dance?





  1. Beautiful writing to the prompt. You could link this up to Thursday's Open Link Night :)

  2. Wonderful writing!

  3. Poignant and beautiful! I too enjoy listening to Huey Lewis and the News. 😊


  4. This is an incredible piece. Excruciatingly painful, like live limbs torn apart, yet connected through a dark matter full of viscous sibling love.

  5. Sad yet hopeful, powerful and tender. Care to dance?


Thank you for your thoughts!