Friday, April 10, 2020

(easter) it's about a king

it’s about a king
who came to serve us

to establish his kingdom
here on earth

a king who washed feet,
healed lepers, healed hearts

he died
for this: to bring love,

joy, peace, patience,

goodness, faithfulness

a kingdom not of this world

from starry night
to stone rolled away

the day
he came

to seek and to save

© 2020 jennifer wagner

The hope of Easter to me is this:  He loves us, though the world under our stewardship is in turmoil.  God has a plan: His love poured out in our hearts.  His ultimate will will succeed.  If you are in doubt, take heart.  He loves you, and it’s you He doesn’t want to live without.


  1. It is about a King! Reading this fills me with hope, a promise of peace and a future. Thank you for capturing into words this promise.


Thank you for your thoughts!