Tuesday, September 13, 2016

De(e)p-ression De-funk

I haven't thought
of hollyhocks
in quite some time,

nor roses.

Stone flowers
gray my landscape—hard,

the way the light isn’t light anymore,
but an intrusion, an offense,
to the dark soil of my seedling,

nursing safe, until color is ready to form,
replacing stone,
crumbling statues,

bleak memorials of times past,
headstones of a previous life—

to reach, to grow,
to topple them,
with leaves and stem

and oh, the most glorious bloom.

© 2016 Jennifer Wagner

The Great Stone Church 
Photo © 2016 Jennifer Wagner


  1. Such cherished flowers here bloom

  2. This is wonderfully complex. It begins with a recognition of the weight, the heaviness, the sadness and ends with hopefulness, faithfulness. Beautiful. (BTW, I just purchased "Love Kindness" for my bride and I to read together. Your site moves books!)

  3. A very creative, insightful, and relatable, poem, Jennifer! I like the stone church photo too. Where was it taken?

    1. Hi Janet, thanks! The photo is of the ruins of The Great Stone Church at Mission San Juan Capistrano in California. We toured the site this summer; it has been beautifully preserved.

  4. Oh.... Lovely words and photo too. Lots to ponder here Jennifer.

  5. Lovely and emotive. Powerful images beautifully rendered. Emergence from depression: a glorious bloom.

  6. Or maybe breaking through concrete like dandelions do... great work on the metaphor here.

  7. This is really lovely--it unfolds like a flower into something deeper--richer--

  8. __ Grand Jen, a super-parallel to one of Zen Speug's most recent haiku posts_! Lovely. _m

  9. color feels drained in many places, Jen, and with it, words.

    the last line gives us hope, though, doesn't it? ~


Thank you for your thoughts!