Thursday, September 11, 2014


Photo © 2014 Jennifer Wagner

artist point
how a mistake can still be
so beautiful

© 2014 Jennifer Wagner

Above is a photo I took this summer at Artist Point in Yellowstone National Park.  The location got its name because it was widely believed that Thomas Moran created a sketch there which he used to create his famous 1872 painting, The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.  In 1890 photographer F. Jay Hanes published a park guidebook with the name and the title stuck.  The location Moran actually used is now called Moran Point. 

I was trying to convey the essence of that history in the poem, as well as another message which I think has a connection to artistry of any type: poetry, photography, painting, motheringsmilesetc. that, even if it may not be perfect, it can still be pretty beautiful.


  1. I was at that point many years ago.. what a nice sense of history ..

  2. Very nice -- history and nature intertwined :)

  3. This is beautiful. Going there is on my 'to do' list.

  4. Sage and insightful - and a lovely haiku.

  5. Your photo is lovely, artistic, and haiku has wit and advice, as well as being lyrical - very nice, thanks!

  6. great point (pun intended) Jennifer. :-)
    (you visited some wonderful places this summer!)

  7. A terrific story to accompany your photo and haiku - I enjoyed all three.

  8. Beautiful and poignant. I agree with your message!

  9. you packed a lot into so few words. I think you hit the mark in what you were trying to convey.

  10. Stunning - mistaken identity or not


Thank you for your thoughts!